Monday, October 31, 2011

#57: Happy Halloween!

First Halloween
Hudson celebrated his first Halloween as the character Chaz from Royal Tenenbaums. A little unconventional, I know, but our dear friends the Diekmann's gave him the red Adidas tracksuit and we couldn't resist! We started the evening with at a friend's family Halloween Party, and then walked up 16th Street (north of Montana Avenue) for little Trick or Treating. The street is filled with incredibly decorated homes complete with a Haunted House at the end of the street. We didn't venture into the Haunted House with the kiddos, but are going to try and hit up next year before the Trick or Treating!
So Happy!
Trick or Treat!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

#56: So Big!

Showing how big he is "so big"
Where has the month of October gone? Hudson's new favorite thing is to reach his hands up way above his head to show he's "So Big". It's incredibly sweet! He also discovered how to put the rings on his stackable ring toy and is becoming quite the expert at the army crawl!

Monday, October 17, 2011

#55: A Trip to Evansville

Joe's Grandma Hilda passed away in early October, after an incredible life of 92 years. We traveled back to Evansville for the funeral and extended our stay by a few days to spend time with family. Towards the end of our trip we visited a little pumpkin farm where Hudson picked out a small pumpkin and made friends with a kitty cat.
Picked out his pumpkin
Going in to pet the kitty
The weather was crisp and we were able to bundle up to take an end of season boat ride. Hudson loves the movement, although wasn't too keen on life jacket!
On the boat

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

#54: Hudson's 10-Month Update

Oh wow, pumpkins
Can't believe Hudson is already 10-months! We headed to the doctor for what was supposed to be his well visit check-up on 10/11/11, and it turned out he had his first ear infection. It was the first time he was sick, but really was a champ despite not feeling well.  Here are the 10-month stats:
  • Weight: 24 lbs, 12 oz (90th percentile)
  • Length: 30.75 inches (97th percentile)
  • Head: 48.5 cm (95th percentile)
Compared to his 8-month well visit (which was at the end of August), he gained 7 ounces and grew .25"in length. He is starting to slow down on his gains, which is very normal for his age.

The Sunday before his doctor's visit (10/09/11) we headed to a little fall festival with our friends the Lambs. We got some fun photos of Hudson with the pumpkins and the llama at the petting zoo!

Monday, October 3, 2011

#53: Meeting Great-Grandma Jo

Hugs for Great-Grandma Jo
Hudson got to meet his Great-Grandma Jo (Cristina's Grandma) when she came to visit Noblesville for J.Nichole and Jake's Baby Shower. It was incredible how much energy she had, and was so hands-on. She held him pretty much all through the baby shower and took lots of turns feeding him and playing with him throughout her weekend visit. It was so special for them to meet!

Friday, September 30, 2011

#52: Hudson's 9-month Update

Posing for the camera
Since Hudson's 8-month doctor's appointment was at the end of August the doctor had us skip our 9-month well visit. This month he's hitting lots of milestones - he loves to pick up his puffs to feed himself, can hold his own bottle and is much more responsive. He has 8 teeth and loves to eat! He's also loving to sit in the highchair when we go out to dinner, he has his puffs and loves to be at the table with us! We've enjoyed a quiet month at home with some nice beach days and time together as a family.

Hudson started to crawl in late September, making some major moves towards "army crawling" on 9/24/11. He continues his music classes and we're looking to join My Gym in a few weeks once he masters his crawling technique!

We're gearing up for some fall travel in October for J.Nichole and Jake's Baby Shower, so we've been trying on lots of fun winter hats we received as gifts for Hudson. I love that he keeps them on still and hope it last through the winter (or at least until he gets some more hair!).

Saturday, August 27, 2011

#51: Hudson's 8-month Update!

You messin' with me?

Hudson turned 8-months on August 12th, but his check-up wasn't until August 24th. I don't know how we got so far off from his birthday! Anyway, there was about a month between the 7 and 8 month check-ups so it all works out in terms of charting his growth. Here are this month's stats:
  • Weight: 24 lbs, 5 oz  (95th percentile)
  • Length: 30.5 inches (97th percentile)
  • Head: 47.5 cm (85th percentile)
From last month, he gained 1 lb and 6 oz and grew 1.5 inches - finally making his length a higher percentile than his weight. This month his top front teeth broke through, you can barely see them...but they're there! The doctor wants us to start introducing meats, yogurt, other grains (besides rice) and egg yolk. I'll have an update in September on that process! Right now he is eating tons of veggies and fruits, and loves his Puff treats! Not a fan of water, although I keep giving him a sippy cup every day.

He is still loving music classes and is a big fan of the keyboard and xylophone. Our swim classes ended this month, and in September we're going to check out My Gym classes (got a good deal on Living Social).

In terms of development, he is very engaged with people and has no problem having a "stare contest" with anyone (including our Pastor during his baptism!). He plays with his toys, loves his Froggy Bouncer, sits very well and is starting to get in the rocking position - but no crawling yet. He only likes when mommy and daddy feed him the bottle, doesn't want to take it on his own - and judging from the picture below he isn't quite sure how it works! He tried sucking so hard, it was so funny!

Not sure how to drink the bottle

Monday, August 22, 2011

#51: Wayne and Darlene Visit

At Alma Rosa Winery
My parents came to visit and to take care of Hudson as Joe and I went off to Cabo San Lucas to celebrate our 4 year anniversary. They came in a few days early which was amazing, so we were all able to spend some time together (and they got used to Hudson's schedule!).

They arrived on a Friday night and on Sunday morning we decided to download the church podcast and listen to it on the way up to Santa Ynez Wine Country! We stopped by 4 wineries: Alma Rosa, Tensley Tasting Room,  Demetria and Rusack. It was lots of fun and Hudson was a well-behaved boy (except when he yanked off my push-present necklace!).

At Demetria Winery

During the week we took Hudson to the park, he LOVES the swings these days. His little giggles just make your heart melt :)
Misko's with Huddy!

We all had so much fun and my parents were so gracious to take care of Hudson for 4 day and 3 nights while Joe and I did our little getaway! We missed Hudson, but knew he was in great hands!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

#50: Hudson's Nursery

I can't believe my baby is 8-months and I'm just now putting the finishing touches on his room! Well, in my defense it was 90% completed we just added some photos above his rocker, prints above his book/toy bins and another Jonathan Adler print above his bed. So without further ado, Hudson's Nursery:

Hudson's Crib (taken from closet)
Hudson's Nursery (from closet)

Hudson's Rocker
Rocker for Huddy

The Day Bed for Guests
Day Bed with Jonathan Adler Prints

Close-up of Jonathan Adler Prints
Close-Up Jonathan Adler Prints

Dresser and Changing Table
Dresser / Changing Table

Books and Toys!
Books and Toys!

Monday, August 8, 2011

#49: Hudson's Baptism

What a stud
Yesterday, Sunday, August 7, we had Hudson baptized at our church Bel Air Presbyterian. It was a special day we were able to share with our friends and family (thanks to a Live Streaming service on our church's website!).

Raising Hudson in a Christian home where he knows the Lord at an early age is so important to us, and we thank all our friends and family who pray for us as parents and Hudson's salvation. Joe and I were blessed to both be raised in Christian households, and we hope to impart some of our parent's Christian child-rearing skills with our little boy.

After the church service we invited friends to the beach for a little lunch to celebrate the day. We ate laid out some beach blankets at Annenburg Beach House, and ate some Bay Cities while catching up with each other. We rented a little canopy for a couple hours, however, the sun never came out so we never really needed the shade! Regardless, it was still a nice way to celebrate the day.

Friday, July 29, 2011

#48: Music Classes!

This month we enrolled in music classes at Toddle Tunes. This Thursday (July 28) was our second class, and we loved it!

The class is 45-minutes long and has 2-3 instructors that play music and sing songs with the babies, introduce them to new sounds and instruments and at the end the babies even get a chance to play with the instruments the instructors used that day! It's so precious.

Each week has a different theme, the first week was Blues and this week was Sounds from Afar, with different instruments from Russia and Africa. During the Blues class the instructors brought out a miniature Martin guitar for the babies to play as well as a very unique fretless bass guitar. But right now, Hudson's favorite thing to play (i.e., chew and bang with his hands) are the "baby" tambourine and maracas.

The class is for newborns up to 10 months, and there are age-group classes all the way up to 8 years old. In our Thursday class, most of the babies are around Hudson's age (7 months), and one of his little friends, Elenora, was actually born on the same exact day at another hospital in Santa Monica! They play together nicely and shared the Russian "music maker" instrument.

Music Class - Toddle Tunes

Music Class - Toddle Tunes

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

#47: Hudson's 7-month Update


So I say this every month, but I cannot believe how quickly these months are passing - my little baby is already 7-months!

He turned 7-months on Tuesday, 7/12 and his check-up with the doctor was today. He continues to grow like a weed and is also hitting some developmental milestones.

Here are this months growth stats:
  • Weight: 22 lbs, 11 oz  (95th percentile)
  • Length: 29 inches (95th percentile)
  • Head: 46 cm (85th percentile)
This month he gained 1 lb and 10 oz, grew a whopping 2 inches (jumping him up to the 95th percentile for height). For clothes he is wearing 12-18 months, with a few items being 6-12 months.

We keep introducing new foods and started a new eating schedule this week where he eats breakfast at 9:00am, lunch at 1:00pm and dinner at 5:00pm. He has bottles for his snacks at 7:00am, 11:00am, 3:00pm and bedtime, 6:30/7:00pm. His favorite foods right now are rice cereal, mango, apple, bananas, sweet potatoes, butternut squash and broccoli. He does not like sweet peas or peaches, but we'll keep trying. We also just introduced Puffs (like a Cheerio), which he LOVES! He tries to pick them up and put them in his mouth and is really close to making it, but for now I feed it to him.

In terms of development milestones, he is right on track. Sitting on his own and playing with his toys, starting to "turn" the pages of the books, loves playing with his blocks and stackable cups. He does the army crawl, but I still think it will be a few months before he is truly mobile.

Sitting pretty, reading and bundled after a bath | Month 7

Monday, July 18, 2011

#46: Another Beach Weekend

Beach time with daddy

We've been taking advantage of the summer weather here, and have made three trips to the beach. It is about 20 minute process getting our umbrella, beach blankets, food, Hudson's food and toys set-up - but it's worth it! Hudson loves to watch the ocean waves come in and the sound makes him sleepy (especially if he is all cuddled up in the Ergo!).

This past Sunday we hit up M Street Kitchen for their Happy Hour ($3 Sangria and $3 Appetizers), we thought Hudson might be big enough for the highchair - but he was still too small. We put a wrapped-up shirt behind him, and his big eyes looking just barely over the table were irresistible!

Beach Days & Dinner at M-Street Kitchen | 7.9.11 + 7.17.11

Sunday, July 10, 2011

#45: Meeting Grandpa Canuto

With Grandpa Canuto
Today we made it over to Victorville, CA to visit my mom's father, Grandpa Canuto to me. Unfortunately he is not doing well, as we learned of a few medical issues recently. When we got there he was much frailer and weaker than last time I saw him, but he still was able to smile when he met Hudson. It was sweet to see them together.

*Update to this posting, my grandpa passed away on Wednesday, July 20 in the morning. We know he is with God in a better place, and appreciate your prayers during this time of grieving and remembrance. 

Thursday, July 7, 2011

#44: Fourth of July in Evansville

Ahoy maty!

This year for the Fourth of July we headed back to Evansville to visit Joe's family. There was a bit of hoop jumping to get there (2-leg flight into Louisville, then rented a car and drove 2 hours Newburgh), but it's always worth it to see family! Luckily Hudson was a good traveler this time, so it made things a lot easier.

We arrived on Thursday night and hung out with Joe's parents. We had a little lake time and Joe got to play Victoria with his dad.

On Saturday we headed to Owensboro, KY to see his brother's band, The Rubbing Alcoholics, play at his country club. It was about 95 degrees and 100% humidity outside, but that didn't stop his brother from putting on a good show! We had to duck out early to get Hudson to sleep, and once he was tucked nicely in his crib Eddie, Nancy, Joe and I had a cocktail on the dock and watch a neighbor's firework display which rivaled many city's shows. Very impressive!

On Sunday Joe's parents hosted the extended family over for a Fourth of July Lake Party, an annual tradition. The weather held up for half the day, so a lot of the crew was able to float on the lake. We also had a special visit by Hilda and were able to get an updated Prusz Family photo.

Monday came too quickly, and we spent the day relaxing. Took Hudson swimming in the swim spa and made a quiet dinner at home. It was such an fabulous few days with the Prusz family and we're already looking forward to Christmas when we go back. Hard to believe Hudson will be over a year at that point!

Group Photo - version 2

Getting ready to swim

Water baby

Water baby

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

#43: Swim Lessons

Before Swim Class!
Today was Hudson's first swim lessons at the YMCA! He was a true fish, enjoying every minute in the water. The class is 35 minutes long and we spend time singing different songs and splashing around in the water.

Hudson's favorite is the Humpty Dumpty song where he falls into the water and gets to kick all the way to the next wall. He also loves the Tik Tok song, Twinkle Twinkle while floating on his back.

I was surprised that he was not clingy and really loved to splash around and meet his classmates. There are about 10 mommies and babies in the class. We have a total of 10 classes that meet once a week, and next week we go under water!

Cameras are not allowed in the swim room to respect the privacy of the other moms (thank goodness!), but we can arrange a time to do a quick snapshot with the instructor before or after class.

Monday, June 20, 2011

#42: Happy Father's Day!

Sunday, June 19 was Father's Day, and Joe's first as a daddy. Unfortunately he had to travel for work that Sunday afternoon, so we had to squeeze our celebration into the early part of the day!

We made him a special breakfast, homemade waffles with fresh berries and whip cream, mimosas, and a broccoli and feta frittata.  After breakfast we opened gifts, which were some new summer clothes for dad!

We then raced off to church for a Father's Day service (which actually was not that father-friendly), and then headed home for a quick lunch of Grilled Flank Steak and Spicy Pepper and Watermelon salad. Joe headed to the airport around 2:00pm...but had a cocktail on the plane and was able to read a magazine!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

#41: Hudson's 6-Month Update!

I can't believe my little Huddy Buddy is 6 months old. Time is definitely flying by too quickly. We had Hudson's 6-month check up today, and here are this month's stats:

  • Weight: 21 lbs, 1 oz  (95th percentile)
  • Length: 27 inches (75th percentile)
  • Head: 45 cm (75th percentile)
He gained 1 pound and 11 ounces, grew a half-inch in length and his head grew a centimeter. He is such a big boy, no one can believe he is only six months!

Monday, June 13, 2011

#40: Hudson's First Wedding

This past weekend we traveled to Minneapolis for my dear friend's wedding. It was the first time Hudson and I had been to Minneapolis and totally fell in love with the town. Joe and I were so impressed with the amount of outdoor recreation and town character.

Hudson was a trooper all weekend, and even at the wedding. My friend, Natalie, even had an adorable name card for him at the table. Her wedding was beautiful and wonderful celebration! It was even more fun because my other girlfriend, Bethany, had her beautiful baby girl there. It was a great time to catch up with my hometown girlfriends and nice for them to get to see the two babies!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

#39: Carrots please...

First time eating carrots
 About three weeks ago we introduced rice cereal to Hudson, and now we're starting to add some veggies to the afternoon feeding.

Our doctor recommended starting with the orange veggies (carrots, sweet potatoes and butternut squash), then going to green veggies and then adding some fruits.

Today I took out the BabyCook and made the first batch of baby carrots. Hudson was not sure about the carrots at first but eventually got through is little sampling. We'll continue to add more to his feeding each day until he reaches about a 1/4 cup (as long as no food allergies appear).

First batch of carrots | 6.7.11

Monday, June 6, 2011

#38: Swing Time!

On Saturday we visited Clover Park right around the corner from our place. We met my former boss and his three-year old twins (adorable!) and spent some time catching up.

His kids were loving the swings, so we thought we'd give Hudson a chance at the swing action. He loved it, although we just fed him about 30 minute prior...which looking back was not a good idea!

It's just getting more and more fun with him!