Thursday, July 7, 2011

#44: Fourth of July in Evansville

Ahoy maty!

This year for the Fourth of July we headed back to Evansville to visit Joe's family. There was a bit of hoop jumping to get there (2-leg flight into Louisville, then rented a car and drove 2 hours Newburgh), but it's always worth it to see family! Luckily Hudson was a good traveler this time, so it made things a lot easier.

We arrived on Thursday night and hung out with Joe's parents. We had a little lake time and Joe got to play Victoria with his dad.

On Saturday we headed to Owensboro, KY to see his brother's band, The Rubbing Alcoholics, play at his country club. It was about 95 degrees and 100% humidity outside, but that didn't stop his brother from putting on a good show! We had to duck out early to get Hudson to sleep, and once he was tucked nicely in his crib Eddie, Nancy, Joe and I had a cocktail on the dock and watch a neighbor's firework display which rivaled many city's shows. Very impressive!

On Sunday Joe's parents hosted the extended family over for a Fourth of July Lake Party, an annual tradition. The weather held up for half the day, so a lot of the crew was able to float on the lake. We also had a special visit by Hilda and were able to get an updated Prusz Family photo.

Monday came too quickly, and we spent the day relaxing. Took Hudson swimming in the swim spa and made a quiet dinner at home. It was such an fabulous few days with the Prusz family and we're already looking forward to Christmas when we go back. Hard to believe Hudson will be over a year at that point!

Group Photo - version 2

Getting ready to swim

Water baby

Water baby

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