Tuesday, June 21, 2011

#43: Swim Lessons

Before Swim Class!
Today was Hudson's first swim lessons at the YMCA! He was a true fish, enjoying every minute in the water. The class is 35 minutes long and we spend time singing different songs and splashing around in the water.

Hudson's favorite is the Humpty Dumpty song where he falls into the water and gets to kick all the way to the next wall. He also loves the Tik Tok song, Twinkle Twinkle while floating on his back.

I was surprised that he was not clingy and really loved to splash around and meet his classmates. There are about 10 mommies and babies in the class. We have a total of 10 classes that meet once a week, and next week we go under water!

Cameras are not allowed in the swim room to respect the privacy of the other moms (thank goodness!), but we can arrange a time to do a quick snapshot with the instructor before or after class.

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