Wednesday, July 20, 2011

#47: Hudson's 7-month Update


So I say this every month, but I cannot believe how quickly these months are passing - my little baby is already 7-months!

He turned 7-months on Tuesday, 7/12 and his check-up with the doctor was today. He continues to grow like a weed and is also hitting some developmental milestones.

Here are this months growth stats:
  • Weight: 22 lbs, 11 oz  (95th percentile)
  • Length: 29 inches (95th percentile)
  • Head: 46 cm (85th percentile)
This month he gained 1 lb and 10 oz, grew a whopping 2 inches (jumping him up to the 95th percentile for height). For clothes he is wearing 12-18 months, with a few items being 6-12 months.

We keep introducing new foods and started a new eating schedule this week where he eats breakfast at 9:00am, lunch at 1:00pm and dinner at 5:00pm. He has bottles for his snacks at 7:00am, 11:00am, 3:00pm and bedtime, 6:30/7:00pm. His favorite foods right now are rice cereal, mango, apple, bananas, sweet potatoes, butternut squash and broccoli. He does not like sweet peas or peaches, but we'll keep trying. We also just introduced Puffs (like a Cheerio), which he LOVES! He tries to pick them up and put them in his mouth and is really close to making it, but for now I feed it to him.

In terms of development milestones, he is right on track. Sitting on his own and playing with his toys, starting to "turn" the pages of the books, loves playing with his blocks and stackable cups. He does the army crawl, but I still think it will be a few months before he is truly mobile.

Sitting pretty, reading and bundled after a bath | Month 7

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