Monday, October 31, 2011

#57: Happy Halloween!

First Halloween
Hudson celebrated his first Halloween as the character Chaz from Royal Tenenbaums. A little unconventional, I know, but our dear friends the Diekmann's gave him the red Adidas tracksuit and we couldn't resist! We started the evening with at a friend's family Halloween Party, and then walked up 16th Street (north of Montana Avenue) for little Trick or Treating. The street is filled with incredibly decorated homes complete with a Haunted House at the end of the street. We didn't venture into the Haunted House with the kiddos, but are going to try and hit up next year before the Trick or Treating!
So Happy!
Trick or Treat!

1 comment:

  1. Seriously, so adorable. And a great family photo, too! :)
