Wednesday, October 12, 2011

#54: Hudson's 10-Month Update

Oh wow, pumpkins
Can't believe Hudson is already 10-months! We headed to the doctor for what was supposed to be his well visit check-up on 10/11/11, and it turned out he had his first ear infection. It was the first time he was sick, but really was a champ despite not feeling well.  Here are the 10-month stats:
  • Weight: 24 lbs, 12 oz (90th percentile)
  • Length: 30.75 inches (97th percentile)
  • Head: 48.5 cm (95th percentile)
Compared to his 8-month well visit (which was at the end of August), he gained 7 ounces and grew .25"in length. He is starting to slow down on his gains, which is very normal for his age.

The Sunday before his doctor's visit (10/09/11) we headed to a little fall festival with our friends the Lambs. We got some fun photos of Hudson with the pumpkins and the llama at the petting zoo!

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