Monday, August 8, 2011

#49: Hudson's Baptism

What a stud
Yesterday, Sunday, August 7, we had Hudson baptized at our church Bel Air Presbyterian. It was a special day we were able to share with our friends and family (thanks to a Live Streaming service on our church's website!).

Raising Hudson in a Christian home where he knows the Lord at an early age is so important to us, and we thank all our friends and family who pray for us as parents and Hudson's salvation. Joe and I were blessed to both be raised in Christian households, and we hope to impart some of our parent's Christian child-rearing skills with our little boy.

After the church service we invited friends to the beach for a little lunch to celebrate the day. We ate laid out some beach blankets at Annenburg Beach House, and ate some Bay Cities while catching up with each other. We rented a little canopy for a couple hours, however, the sun never came out so we never really needed the shade! Regardless, it was still a nice way to celebrate the day.


  1. He was such a cutie at the baptism, too! Love to you all!

  2. Love the pics and updates!!
    Awesome as usual!
    Give Huddy Buddy lots of hugs and kisses from Grammie & Papa
    Love you!
