Monday, August 22, 2011

#51: Wayne and Darlene Visit

At Alma Rosa Winery
My parents came to visit and to take care of Hudson as Joe and I went off to Cabo San Lucas to celebrate our 4 year anniversary. They came in a few days early which was amazing, so we were all able to spend some time together (and they got used to Hudson's schedule!).

They arrived on a Friday night and on Sunday morning we decided to download the church podcast and listen to it on the way up to Santa Ynez Wine Country! We stopped by 4 wineries: Alma Rosa, Tensley Tasting Room,  Demetria and Rusack. It was lots of fun and Hudson was a well-behaved boy (except when he yanked off my push-present necklace!).

At Demetria Winery

During the week we took Hudson to the park, he LOVES the swings these days. His little giggles just make your heart melt :)
Misko's with Huddy!

We all had so much fun and my parents were so gracious to take care of Hudson for 4 day and 3 nights while Joe and I did our little getaway! We missed Hudson, but knew he was in great hands!

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