Tuesday, May 31, 2011

#36: Happy Memorial Day!

We stayed around town for Memorial Day Weekend this year, which was a welcomed treat from our typical travel on holiday weekends. It was nice to have Joe home for three days in a row, especially since he's been working so hard in the office these past few months.

On Friday, Joe was able to get out of work a little early so we took a stroll to Menchie's for some frozen yogurt. Hudson loves to get tickled and laugh loudly in response, the little video is on Flickr - it's pretty cute! Saturday was a nice relaxing day, we took it easy in the morning and afternoon hanging around the condo. We headed to Hostaria de Piccolo for an early dinner out, and met our friend Nicole there. Hudson was a good little guy, keeping nice and bundled in his blanket. Sunday we grabbed brunch at a nearby outdoor restaurant then met up with our friends, the Lamb's, for a Happy Hour dinner at M Street Kitchen.

Monday ended up being warm enough for the beach, so we took full advantage! We left after Hudson's 11:00am feeding and packed a ridiculous amount of bags, including an 8-ft umbrella, and made our way to the sand. We met the Lamb's there, and Sawyer was really sweet with Hudson! Little Hudson pretty much stayed in the shade the whole time, but we did take him down to the water for a minute and dip his toes in the ocean. It was his first "real" beach outing, we've been down there a couple times before but it was always super cold.

Looking forward to more days on the beach this summer!
Sunny Beach Day | Memorial Day 2011

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