Monday, May 9, 2011

#31: Hudson finds his toes!

Grabbing his toes at 21 weeks | 5.9.11

We've been wondering when Hudson would reach down and gleefully take the "happy baby" pose that we've so many babies do. Well, today was that day! Right before bath time, Hudson was on his play mat and finally discovered his toes (maybe it was the fact that he didn't have pants on).

It was a fun moment and we got way too many pictures and videos...I don't know how we're going to react when he begins to crawl, walk and talk. I don't think we'll be able to sleep those nights!
As we draw to an end of month four (he turned 21 weeks on Mother's Day), we've seen Hudson grow mentally and developmentally by leaps and bounds this last month. It has been filled with a lot more exploration and socialization for Hudson. He knowingly smiles and 'flirts' with the ladies, grabs toys and objects much more fluidly, and continues to be a chatter box.

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