Monday, May 23, 2011

#35: First-time Eating Solids

First-time eating solids | 5.23.11 | 23 weeks, 1 day
Hudson is approaching 6-months old, which is when most parents introduce solids to their babies. However, he was starting to wake up in the middle of the night (after sleeping pretty consistently for 11-12 hours), so our doctor recommended starting a couple weeks early.

We started with the standard rice cereal, it took a few bites to get used to it, but he ended up eating the whole thing! It is fun to feed him and I can't wait to start making him some homemade purees (my parents got us the Beaba food maker). He's only eating 1/4 cup rice cereal twice a day now, and we'll move him up to three times a day soon.

I feed him by myself so it's been hard to get pictures, so will take some more soon! There is also a cute video on Flickr when Joe was able to run home during lunch to catch the second feeding.

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