Sunday, May 8, 2011

#30: My First Mother's Day

Sunday was my first Mother's Day as a mom. Joe was a sweetheart and really made the day special. I slept in as he took care of Hudson in the morning, giving him his morning bottle and then taking with him on a secret grocery store mission. I woke up to Joe and Hudson bringing me coffee in bed with some fresh tulips. Hudson was also in a special onesie Joe had made.

Hudson then went down for his morning nap, while I sat on the porch reading (baby books...still) and Joe made two kinds of delicious pancakes from scratch. We sat down at the table with fresh OJ, chocolate chip and blueberry pancakes topped with fresh blueberries and raspberries drizzled with maple syrup. Yum! Joe and Hudson had sweet cards for me and got me a special necklace.

We then got ready headed off to church. After Hudson's afternoon nap we headed to the beach for a late lunch and some sun. Unfortunately, the clouds rolled in just as we got our spot set up, so we left pretty quickly.

It was truly a wonderful day. I'm so grateful to be a mother to my sweet son, Hudson. He's a blessing in our life and we thank God for him daily. I also feel so grateful to my own mother, who loved me and raised me in a way that I hope to raise Hudson.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a really terrific day, Cristina!! And what an adorable onesie for Hudson! Good job, Joe!
