Tuesday, April 19, 2011

#27: Hudson's 4-month Update

 We did Hudson's 4-month check up a week later since we were traveling during his four month birthday (4/12/11). And we got a bit of a surprise when we went this time. We learned that the nurses had accidentally been plotting his growth on the girl's chart, instead of the boy's chart!

I went back and updated all the old stats, but as a quick update he's basically been in the 75th percentile for height for months 1, 2 and 3. His weight was in the 50th percentile month 1, 75th percentile month 2 and 90th percentile month 3. Always been a bit of a chunker!

And here's the month four stats:
  • Weight: 17 lbs, 13 oz  (92nd percentile)
  • Length: 25 inches (50th percentile)
  • Head: 17 inches (50th percentile)
Since month 3 he packed on 2lbs and 5oz, grew 1/2 inch in length and head grew 1 1/2 inches. He is a little more sumo wrestler, than football player! However, the nurse was having a hard time measuring him this time so she's not sure she got an accurate length.  We'll see what next month holds!

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