Thursday, April 7, 2011

#24: Hudson goes to the Big Apple

On April 3, the Prusz family ventured off to NYC for a few day trip. Joe had a business trip to the city and we decided that Hudson and I would join him. Unfortunately Joe had to work the entire trip, but Hudson and I got to explore the city and meet up with my dear friend, Angie, and my cousin, Adrienne.

Meeting Angie for the first time
At Eataly, Mario Batali's lastest creation
We arrived on Sunday later in the evening and got unpacked while Joe brought back some NYC pizza to our hotel room. On Monday while Joe worked Hudson and I got to explore the city. We started our morning in the Upper West Side, then walked through Central Park (where I hunted down a street vendor until I found a churro), met my friend Angie by the Empire State building (where she works), walked to Eataly in the Flatiron District, then hopped in a cab to the walk on the Highline, grabbed a drink at this beer garden in the Meat Packing District and finally ended the night in Tribecca at Arturos for some authentic NYC pizza! Unfortunately, it was a bit much for our little Hudson and that night he had a very difficult time falling asleep (or staying asleep for that matter!).

At Balthazar in SoHo
On Tuesday we took things much easier. We stayed around the hotel until early afternoon and then Hudson and I headed to The Metropolitan Museum of Art. It was a rainy day, so perfect for a museum exploration. We looked at some early 1900 photographers, saw ancient Roman and Egyptian artifacts and then mommy grabbed a sparkling wine and snack in the dining area overlooking Central Park. After that we took a cab down to SoHo and met daddy at Balthazar for an early French dinner. The food was absolutely delicious and we got some great pictures of Hudson at the restaurant. Following dinner we bundled up Hudson and went back to Midtown, stopping by the Hudson Hotel where we met Angie for an after dinner drink.

On our last day, Wednesday, Hudson and I explored the city on foot. We walked to Rockefeller Plaza, down to The Plaza, had lunch with my cousin Adrienne at Grand Central walked back to Central Park and to the Upper West Side. While on the Upper West Side, we walked up Columbus and stopped in Magnolia Cafe for an afternoon treat (carrot cupcake) and then walked to Levains Bakery to buy some incredible cookies for our family. Angie met up with us again and we stopped in a little restaurant for a happy hour sangria then met daddy at PJ Clarkes for some burgers!

We had so much fun in NYC and were so thankful to Angie who met up with us every night and gave me wonderful recommendations on what to do (as well as my friend, Nicole, who travels to NYC for work often).
In a NYC cab for the first time

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