Wednesday, April 13, 2011

#25: Hudson meets the Prusz Family

On Thursday, April 7 we made our way from NYC to Evansville, Indiana. I don't think Hudson could have experienced more contrasting places! It was a welcomed location after the hustle and bustle of the big city, and we enjoyed relaxing with his parents in Newburgh.

The first day was nice and sunny and we enjoyed a little afternoon boat ride, Hudson's first time on a boat. He liked the movement a lot and even got his hands on the steering wheel! Such a young little skipper.

On Saturday we drove to Joe's brother's house in Owensboro, KY. He and his wife recently built a beautiful home on a golf course, and they hosted the entire Prusz family for the afternoon. We enjoyed Moon Light BBQ (a Bill Clinton favorite), the kids played outside and on the golf course, everyone got to meet Hudson and Andy, Joe and Eddie gave everyone a little concert in the basement (Andy is in a band, and family members joined in since his real band members weren't there). We headed out around 10pm so Hudson could get some sleep, and from the pictures we got in the morning it looks like that's just when the party got started!

On Sunday we got to introduce Hudson to his great-grandma Hilda (Eddie's mother). Hilda even held Hudson for a little bit, which is no easy task since Hudson is no light-weight! After meeting Hilda we headed to dinner with Grannie, Nancy's mom, at Bonefish Grill. It was a special day for Hudson to be with 3 generations of adoring family members!

We took things easy on the rainy Monday heading to downtown Newburgh for some lunch, then Eddie and Nancy made dinner in that night - filets, potatoes and a salad. Eddie even stopped by Lics in the morning for some Choco-Cremes (my favorite local ice cream treat).  Tuesday was our last day there and also happened to be Joe's 33rd birthday and Hudson's 4-month birthday, so it was a special day for my boys! We made Joe a special birthday breakfast - a Belgian waffle topped with Havarti cheese, Bavarian ham, over-easy eggs drizzled with maple syrup! Joe, Andy and Eddie headed to Victoria for a round of golf and in the evening we had some drinks, opened presents and headed to Madeline's for a special birthday dinner. It was Joe's first birthday as a daddy!

Our trip to Evansville was such a treat and we enjoyed seeing everyone so much. Thanks to all the family who drove to Andy and Bridget's house on Saturday and thanks to A+B for hosting! We love you all so much and hope to see you in the summer some time. There are of course too many pictures to post on this blog, but please check out Flickr for all the April pics.

Outside in his parent's backyard | 4.12.11

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