Saturday, August 27, 2011

#51: Hudson's 8-month Update!

You messin' with me?

Hudson turned 8-months on August 12th, but his check-up wasn't until August 24th. I don't know how we got so far off from his birthday! Anyway, there was about a month between the 7 and 8 month check-ups so it all works out in terms of charting his growth. Here are this month's stats:
  • Weight: 24 lbs, 5 oz  (95th percentile)
  • Length: 30.5 inches (97th percentile)
  • Head: 47.5 cm (85th percentile)
From last month, he gained 1 lb and 6 oz and grew 1.5 inches - finally making his length a higher percentile than his weight. This month his top front teeth broke through, you can barely see them...but they're there! The doctor wants us to start introducing meats, yogurt, other grains (besides rice) and egg yolk. I'll have an update in September on that process! Right now he is eating tons of veggies and fruits, and loves his Puff treats! Not a fan of water, although I keep giving him a sippy cup every day.

He is still loving music classes and is a big fan of the keyboard and xylophone. Our swim classes ended this month, and in September we're going to check out My Gym classes (got a good deal on Living Social).

In terms of development, he is very engaged with people and has no problem having a "stare contest" with anyone (including our Pastor during his baptism!). He plays with his toys, loves his Froggy Bouncer, sits very well and is starting to get in the rocking position - but no crawling yet. He only likes when mommy and daddy feed him the bottle, doesn't want to take it on his own - and judging from the picture below he isn't quite sure how it works! He tried sucking so hard, it was so funny!

Not sure how to drink the bottle

Monday, August 22, 2011

#51: Wayne and Darlene Visit

At Alma Rosa Winery
My parents came to visit and to take care of Hudson as Joe and I went off to Cabo San Lucas to celebrate our 4 year anniversary. They came in a few days early which was amazing, so we were all able to spend some time together (and they got used to Hudson's schedule!).

They arrived on a Friday night and on Sunday morning we decided to download the church podcast and listen to it on the way up to Santa Ynez Wine Country! We stopped by 4 wineries: Alma Rosa, Tensley Tasting Room,  Demetria and Rusack. It was lots of fun and Hudson was a well-behaved boy (except when he yanked off my push-present necklace!).

At Demetria Winery

During the week we took Hudson to the park, he LOVES the swings these days. His little giggles just make your heart melt :)
Misko's with Huddy!

We all had so much fun and my parents were so gracious to take care of Hudson for 4 day and 3 nights while Joe and I did our little getaway! We missed Hudson, but knew he was in great hands!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

#50: Hudson's Nursery

I can't believe my baby is 8-months and I'm just now putting the finishing touches on his room! Well, in my defense it was 90% completed we just added some photos above his rocker, prints above his book/toy bins and another Jonathan Adler print above his bed. So without further ado, Hudson's Nursery:

Hudson's Crib (taken from closet)
Hudson's Nursery (from closet)

Hudson's Rocker
Rocker for Huddy

The Day Bed for Guests
Day Bed with Jonathan Adler Prints

Close-up of Jonathan Adler Prints
Close-Up Jonathan Adler Prints

Dresser and Changing Table
Dresser / Changing Table

Books and Toys!
Books and Toys!

Monday, August 8, 2011

#49: Hudson's Baptism

What a stud
Yesterday, Sunday, August 7, we had Hudson baptized at our church Bel Air Presbyterian. It was a special day we were able to share with our friends and family (thanks to a Live Streaming service on our church's website!).

Raising Hudson in a Christian home where he knows the Lord at an early age is so important to us, and we thank all our friends and family who pray for us as parents and Hudson's salvation. Joe and I were blessed to both be raised in Christian households, and we hope to impart some of our parent's Christian child-rearing skills with our little boy.

After the church service we invited friends to the beach for a little lunch to celebrate the day. We ate laid out some beach blankets at Annenburg Beach House, and ate some Bay Cities while catching up with each other. We rented a little canopy for a couple hours, however, the sun never came out so we never really needed the shade! Regardless, it was still a nice way to celebrate the day.