Thursday, February 17, 2011

#17: Hudson's 2-month Update

Hudson was two months on Saturday, February 12. The days are just flying by and full of new discoveries.

At his two month check-up, Hudson proved to be a growing boy:
  • Weight: 13 lbs, 2 oz  (75th percentile)
  • Length: 23.5 inches (75th percentile)
  • Head: 14.5 inches (50th percentile)
He nearly doubled his body weight in the first two months! His little legs and arms have these rolls that are just too cute. He is also starting to grow hair on the top of his head, so it looks like we'll be saying goodbye to his old-man hairdo in the coming months.

He has newly discovered his hands this past week - putting them in his mouth and moving them up and down when he's excited. He smiles a lot and loves when mommy reads to him, his face just lights up. He loves bright colored objects and the different sounds his toys make. It's been exciting to see his personality developing.

This past weekend my girlfriend, Sarah, came to visit. It was so much fun having her here. She brought her new camera and took lots of fun pictures of Hudson. We even made it down to the beach one day to get some pictures in the sand. It was the first time we took Hudson down by the water. He loved the sound of the ocean, which is a good thing since mommy and daddy plan to bring him to the beach often!

Below are a few pictures from the weekend, the rest are on Flickr!
Sarah's Arrival to LA | 2.11.11

Hudson's 2-month Birthday | 2.12.11

1st Family Beach Picture | 2.13.11

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