Wednesday, February 2, 2011

#16: Seven week update

At Pinkberry | 1.27.11

We cannot believe that our little Hudson was seven weeks on Sunday. What's even more unbelievable is how much he has grown over those past few weeks.

He is full of smiles these days and sharing his little personality with us each day. Overall, Hudson is a content, happy baby. He tends to get fussy around the evening hours, but we've read that this is pretty typical of most new babies. Lately he has been sleeping almost 5 hours at night, which has felt pretty amazing for mommy and daddy, too!

I've had a lot of questions about what our days are like, so figured I would share a little about a typical day in the Prusz household. Our days are broken into 3 hours segments, consisting of feed / wake / sleep (except we don't have wake time in the middle of the night). Here's how it typically breaks down:
  • 7:30am: Hudson wakes up for the day. I'll feed him, then we do a little play time on his tummy or activity mat. He stays up for about 90 minutes, then he gets sleepy and usually takes a nap in his bouncer. 
  • 10:30am: I usually have to wake Hudson up for this feeding. He eats, then we listen to music for this wake time. I'll move his legs and arms around while listening to everything from children's music to the Black Eyed Peas to Bob Marley. Other times we'll run to the grocery or other errands during this time. Then...nap time, typically in mommy's arms or lap. 
  • 1:30pm: Lunch time for Hudson! We then go for an hour walk outside, and he typically falls asleep in his stroller. 
  • 4:30pm: Afternoon snack for Hudson, then we read or play on our activity mat with his mobile toys. This is Hudson's fussy time, so his nap is usually in my arms (which I don't mind now, but will need to transition out of soon!).
  • 7:30pm: Hudson's dinner time, and daddy is usually home by now! He takes his bath for his wake time activity, and he is liking it more and more. He spends the rest of his wake time with daddy, while mommy tries to shower and get dinner ready (and clean up from the day).  While Hudson is napping in his bouncer, mommy and daddy eat dinner then we watch a little TV.
  • 10:30pm: Late-night feeding for Hudson, which he is usually really sleepy during. This time he goes straight to bed and then wakes up on his own for the middle of the night feeding.
  • 3:30am - 4:30am: Middle of the night feeding for Hudson, then he goes straight into his crib. Unfortunately, this time he is in a much more active sleep and pretty loud. He'll sleep until 6:00am then goes in and out of sleep until about 7:00 - 7:30am. 
So that is typical day for us right now. I've been really trying to enjoy each moment and not get caught up with my own to-do list. Yesterday I was holding him in my arms on the rocker and had the realization I wouldn't be able to do this forever, and holding him in my arms was much more important and special than getting a load of laundry done!

We've updated the pictures on Flickr with everything from December through January, check it out here!

 Going for a neighborhood stroll | 1.28.11

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