Thursday, October 28, 2010

#7: Big boy!

We had another appointment this week with our specialist for an ultrasound to check his kidneys. Good news is his kidneys are just fine!

During this visit we also found out his latest stats...and it looks like he's going to be a big boy. At 33 weeks, he's weighing in at 5-pounds...which means if I go full term he's on track to be a 9-pounder! To top that, his head and abdomen are in the 92nd percentile, meaning 92% of the babies around 33 weeks have a smaller head and abdomen - but there are 8% of babies with a bigger head and abdomen.

We'll see what this means for delivery, I'm hoping he'll come a little sooner now. But we're just so happy he's healthy, what a blessing that is!

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