Friday, September 24, 2010

#6: Hello 3rd Trimester!

It's official...I'm in my 3rd trimester as of today. 28 weeks down and and 12 more weeks to go!
28 Weeks

The baby moves around a lot these days and is packing more heat behind each punch and kick. It's amazing to think that we'll be holding him so soon.

According to the baby books, by this week he weighs about 2.25 pounds and measures 14.8 inches from the top of his head to heels. He can blink his eyes, which now have lashes, and can even start to see the light that filters in through the womb. He's also packing on more body fat, and will more than triple his weight in the next 12 weeks. 

We have been making more and more progress on the nursery. A couple weeks ago Joe painted the room this color called Paddleboat, which a dark turquoise. He is also tackling the crown molding in the room, which has proven to be quite difficult. We've been wanting to put crown molding in our condo, and figured starting with the nursery (since it is just 4 straight walls) would be a good test. We're going to give it another go this weekend to hopefully finish the room. Once the crown molding is up we can start to put the room back together. We have almost all the components (except the chair slipcover and window treatments), and hope to have it completed in the next few weeks!

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