Sunday, March 20, 2011

#23: The BebePod

This past week we got Hudson a little starter seat...the BebePod. You can use it as early as 3 months and through 14 months (or once they outgrow it) and it helps younger babies sit up and when they're older you can use it as a booster seat at the family table. Hudson's obviously still a few months away from sitting up on his own, but this lets him see the world from another perspective.

He's also starting to grab things in his activity mat, but doesn't quite know how to let go once he grabbed on! It's cute watching him do all these things for the first time and a reminder that we are all intricate, unique beings created by a divine God.
Sitting pretty in his new seat

Playing with toys on activity mat

Monday, March 14, 2011

#22: Hudson's 3-month Update!

Today was Hudson's 3-month check-up at the doctor's office. Here are this month's stats:
  • Weight: 15 lbs, 8 oz  (90th percentile)
  • Length: 24.5 inches (75th percentile)
  • Head: 15.5 inches (50th percentile)
The boy sure can eat, and is continuing to climb the growth charts. He gained 2 lbs and 5oz since last month, grew one inch in length and head diameter. He's filling out his 3-6 month tops/onesies but can still wear fit into a couple 0-3 month bottoms - but we'll need to transition to the 3-6 month bottoms very soon to make room for his buddha belly!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

#21: Hudson Rolls Over!

Today is Hudson's 3 month birthday (March 12) and he achieved another baby milestone - rolling over!! We have been practicing for several weeks and this morning, while mommy and daddy were drinking their coffee, Hudson rolled from his tummy to back all on his own!

It's amazing how watching him do something for the first time made us so happy and proud. We thank God for our healthy, happy little baby boy!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

#20: Hudson get his wings!

In Baby Ergo Carrier
On Friday, March 4th Hudson became a jet-setting baby! We traveled to Indy to visit with my parents, since Joe was in Memphis for a business trip. He was born to be a traveler (must have been all the flights I took when pregnant!), and was an angel the whole time - even with the unexpected 3 hour layover in Kansas City.

Once we arrived in Indy we spent time with my mom and dad, sister and brother-in-law. We also got to see some good friends, Bethany, Rachel and the Holsapples. My family spoiled little Hudson with lots of love, cuddles, kisses and hugs. My parents hadn't seen him since he was 2 weeks old and couldn't believe how much personality he had and were obviously impressed with his size! He's a big baby!

Hudson did well with a 3 hour time difference, I kept him on LA time which was a little hard for me - but worked better for him! He adjusted really well to the new environment and enjoyed taking in his new surroundings. We introduced him to my family cat, Tiggie, but neither Hudson or Tiggie seemed too interested in each other. But it won't be too long until Hudson is chasing Tiggie around the house!

We are looking forward to traveling back to Evansville and Indy in April, where we'll have a chance to introduce Hudson to Joe's extended family and possibly my extended family, too! And I'm excited to have Joe with me in April.
With Grammie and Papa

With Aunty J and Uncle Jake
With the Holsapple's
With mama-to-be Bethany (she's due in 3 weeks!)
With Rachel at the salon