Tuesday, January 11, 2011

#14: Family Visits!

Hudson had quite the family welcome these past couple weeks! My parents were here through Christmas, and Joe's parents arrived for New Years, then my sister and her husband came to visit this past weekend.

It was such a blessing to have amazing help over the past few weeks...taking naps and being able to shower while a family member lovingly attended to Hudson was such a luxury!

While Nancy and Eddie were here we got to take lots of fun walks and even made it out to dinner one night! We had lots of fun staying in and getting cozy with Hudson. We also got to celebrate a belated Christmas with his parents. Uncle Andy and Aunt Bridget sent Hudson a really cute dragon towel embroidered with his name. And his cousins - Jackson, Brady and Mason - sent him some adorable Lia Molly hats that he can wait to wear!

When J.Nichole and Jake came, they cooked up a storm for us and played lots of dress-up with Hudson! It think they took over 500 pictures. They also got to see Hudson's first bath in the tub (he had to get sponge baths until his umbilical cord completely fell off).

Everyone was such a huge help and will be missed dearly! We head back to Indiana in April for a 10 day visit, so it will be awhile until Hudson sees his grandparents and aunts and uncles again!

Chilling with Uncle Jake, cheering on the Colts!

Mommy, what did Aunty J put me in??

With Aunty J!

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