Friday, September 30, 2011

#52: Hudson's 9-month Update

Posing for the camera
Since Hudson's 8-month doctor's appointment was at the end of August the doctor had us skip our 9-month well visit. This month he's hitting lots of milestones - he loves to pick up his puffs to feed himself, can hold his own bottle and is much more responsive. He has 8 teeth and loves to eat! He's also loving to sit in the highchair when we go out to dinner, he has his puffs and loves to be at the table with us! We've enjoyed a quiet month at home with some nice beach days and time together as a family.

Hudson started to crawl in late September, making some major moves towards "army crawling" on 9/24/11. He continues his music classes and we're looking to join My Gym in a few weeks once he masters his crawling technique!

We're gearing up for some fall travel in October for J.Nichole and Jake's Baby Shower, so we've been trying on lots of fun winter hats we received as gifts for Hudson. I love that he keeps them on still and hope it last through the winter (or at least until he gets some more hair!).